April 12, 2024

3 Ways Your Business Can Benefit from the Healthcare Association of Forsyth County

Three Ways Your Business Can Benefit from the Healthcare Association of Forsyth

The Beatles said it best – we all get by with a little help from our friends. And for healthcare businesses in Forsyth, that is especially true. Building relationships is a key part of any successful business, and for many Forsyth businesses who focus on healthcare, there is a built-in opportunity to develop those relationships right in their own community. Read on to learn how the Healthcare Association of Forsyth can benefit your business.

Making connections is key

You have probably heard the phrase “don’t re-invent the wheel.” It means you don’t need to redo work or create new processes when there are already great options available. If you want to build relationships with other healthcare-related businesses in the community, the Healthcare Association of Forsyth is a great place to start. You will be able to meet business owners and employees who understand the ins and outs of your industry’s needs, which is a small step that can have a big effect on your business.

Why is making relationships with other members of your industry so important? For starters, it’s always a good idea to know what works for those other members and what doesn’t. You can discuss the pros and cons of new technology, compare healthcare trends you have each noticed, and generally get a feel for what other experts like you have observed in your local area and in the areas you each serve.

Forming and maintaining these relationships is also beneficial because it allows you to find new ways to work together. Your business might supply hospital beds while another business provides local hospitals with the bedding they need for patients. There is an opportunity to form partnerships that mutually benefit everyone who participates. You don’t have to form a formal partnership if that isn’t the right step for your business. But, using the example above, you can learn a lot about how to improve your own offerings. You might learn that local hospitals have been frustrated because their bedding never seems to fit the patient beds in quite the right way due to the size of the bed – and with that information, you can make some changes to address an issue that you never would have known about otherwise.

Learn from experts

Building local relationships is incredibly important. But it’s also wise to look beyond your own community in Forsyth to keep your finger on the pulse of healthcare trends in the surrounding areas. When you are part of a local organization whose focus is on helping healthcare businesses succeed, you know you will have access to more expertise than you would otherwise. Through regular meetings and events that you will attend, you will be able to hear from a variety of experts who can offer you a lot of information that will benefit your business.

And it isn’t just about listening to experts – when you have an opportunity to ask a question or get advice from someone who knows your field inside and out, take it! Building a relationship with these experts is just one more way for you to expand your knowledge. After all, the goal is to become an expert yourself, right? Giving yourself the best opportunity to become a leader in your field is always a goal for any business owner.

Realign your goals and processes

We already talked about the phrase “don’t re-invent the wheel” – but have you ever heard the second half? Anthony D’Angelo, a professor at Syracuse University, is credited with saying “Don’t re-invent the wheel; just realign it.” This lesson is an important one for all businesses to learn, but healthcare business owners have a particular burden to keep up with the latest technology and industry trends to provide their clients with the goods or services they need to best serve patients. To sum it up more simply, the idea is to take stock of your practices and see how they can be changed.

Keeping up with the latest information in the healthcare industry is not an easy task. We already talked about how networking with other healthcare business owners and experts can benefit you. But you also need to take the time to apply the information you have learned. If you find out that nearly all of your colleagues are struggling to keep up with technological advances, it’s like that you will, too (or already are). Don’t let information like this go to waste – take stock of how your team is tracking tech trends, how they report that information to those who need it in your business, and how your businesses ultimately utilizes that information. Technology is just one example of many processes that could be altered to better both your company and your clients. It might be the way you do your accounting or the system you use to track orders – every company is a little different, but you’ll find that the information you learn from your colleagues and experts can apply to your business, even if you have tweak it a little to fit your needs.

Being the best in your business won’t happen overnight. It takes work – which is a concept you are already familiar with as a business owner. Use the opportunities available to you, like the Healthcare Association of Forsyth, to build up your company and team to become one of the county’s most valuable assets. And along the way, you can help others do the same.

April 12, 2024 Alex Warner
