2022 Progress

Click the link below to read about our exciting ventures in 2022 including 458 new jobs and $209,850,000 of capital investment with 59 new projects!

2021 Progress

2021 has been a tremendous year for Forsyth County. With plans to invest over $1 billion in local transportation infrastructure and 36+ new office, flex / industrial developments bringing well over 3 million square feet of space for businesses – there are some exciting things happening in Forsyth County, GA! Click the photo below to view the full 2021 annual report.

2020 Progress

2020 presented the unique opportunity to work in both economic recovery and development. Forward Forsyth took action to quickly launch an economic recovery initiative and settle the community’s unemployment rate (which skyrocketed to 10.4 percent at the end of April, 2020) back to its early-2020 rate of 2.8 percent. Forward Forsyth’s continued strides in economic development contributed to the creation of $110 million in new capital investment and more than 520 new jobs. To download Forward Forsyth’s full 2020 annual report click the image below.


2019 Progress

2019 saw the launch of the Forward Forsyth economic development partnership. Forward Forsyth’s efforts contributed to the creation of more than 1,110 new jobs and nearly $115 million in new capital investments. To view Forward Forsyth full 2019 report click the image below.

Plan Presentation

After its completion, the Economic Development Strategic Plan was presented by Jon Roberts and Ashton Allison of TIP Strategies to the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners on August 28, 2018.


A copy of the presented material is also supplied for review.


The Complete Plan

The final plan in its entirety is now available for viewing.

The Economic Development Strategic Plan
