January 23, 2018

Inaugural MODL Awards

The Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the South Forsyth Rotary Club, recently awarded the winners of the inaugural Manufacturers of Distinction and Leadership (MODL) Awards. This event served as an opportunity to recognize the exceptional, local companies involved in the manufacturing, processing or distribution of tangible products and celebrated the many contributions they provide to Forsyth County.

“The face of modern-day manufacturing is an important element in local workforce development and the Chamber is proud to partner with local companies investing in the region’s future,” commented Robert Long, Vice President of Economic Development at the Chamber of Commerce.

Recipients included: Metcam, Small Manufacturer of the Year; Solvay Specialty Polymers, Medium Manufacturer of the Year and Siemens Industry, Large Manufacturer of the Year.

The MODL Awards Ceremony was held on November 8, 2017, at the Forsyth Conference Center. The event program featured co-keynote speakers: Adam Burns, the managing editor of Site Selection Magazine and John Morehouse, director of the Center of Innovation for Manufacturing.

In addition to the MODL Awards, the three winners of the Forsyth County Schools’ Art Design Contest were recognized at the event.

January 23, 2018 forumspeaks
