January 23, 2018

Sports Warehouse to Create 300+ Jobs in Forsyth County

E-commerce leader to invest more than $14 million in new facility in South Forsyth County.

The Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) recently announced that Sports Warehouse, a global retail supplier of sports and outdoor equipment, will create more than 300 jobs and invest more than $14 million into an East Coast e-commerce fulfillment and distribution center in Forsyth County. The facility is expected to be operational by July 2017.

“It’s clear that Georgia is the best location for Sports Warehouse’s new e-commerce distribution operations,” said GDEcD Commissioner Pat Wilson. “In FY16, we saw a 114 percent increase in logistics and distribution center announcements due to our unparalleled transportation infrastructure and industry resources. The company’s new center in Forsyth County will strengthen our growing economy, and our skilled workforce will support Sports Warehouse in meeting the needs of its international customer base.”

The newly created jobs will include positions in distribution, operations and customer service.

“We are looking forward to expanding our Tennis Warehouse and Running Warehouse distribution to such an active sports community. Both tennis and running participation are thriving in Atlanta, and The Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association and the Atlanta Track Club are two of the premier community sports organizations in the United States,” said Drew Munster, President of Sports Warehouse. “We would particularly like to thank Josh Stephens with the Georgia Department of Economic Development and Robert Long with the Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber for their professional assistance with our Project. We had options in other states and locations, but Josh and Robert sold us on Georgia and Forsyth County.”

Munster also stated “Our top priority is improving our customers’ ordering experience. The new distribution center will enable us to offer faster shipping and more convenient customer service hours to our customers in the South, Midwest, and East Coast. From our new facility in Forsyth County we’ll be able to offer free overnight Ground service for most orders to Georgia and Alabama, and much of Tennessee, as well other major cities such as Jacksonville and Charlotte. As a bonus, Atlanta area runners and tennis players will be able to take advantage of UPS’s recent addition of Saturday delivery for Ground packages in the Atlanta area.”

GDEcD project manager Joshua Stephens represented the Global Commerce division in partnership with the Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce, Georgia EMC and Quick Start.

Robert Long began working with Sports Warehouse in September. Robert facilitated dozens of meetings with state and local officials that ultimately led to Forsyth County Commissioners approving an incentive package for the client. The Forsyth County Development Authority approved an Inducement Resolution for Sports Warehouse at their meeting last week.

“Sports Warehouse is a great fit for Forsyth County,” said chairman of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners Todd Levent. “Thanks to the tireless efforts and forward-thinking nature of county leaders, engaged citizens and a strong community, Forsyth County has the outstanding quality of life and public education system that will assist them in attracting executives and technical professionals to make this project a huge success.

“Forsyth County has a reputation as a home for e-commerce and technology firms,” said James McCoy, President and CEO of the Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce.  “Our community has a world class talent pool and a critical mass of other tech firms.”

January 23, 2018 forumspeaks
