October 2, 2019

National Manufacturing Day in FoCo

A Day For Education and Inspiration

The Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce once again partnered with the Forsyth County Schools’ College and Career Development Department and local manufacturers to involve high school students in National Manufacturing Day 2019 on September 25th. Students from all Forsyth County high schools spent the day touring the local operations of many manufacturers.

Local Companies Involved

The local manufacturers who participated in the event include:

The Outcome

Each group of students toured these companies to draw attention to the many rewarding, high-paying careers available in the manufacturing industry and to highlight the importance of manufacturing to the nation’s economy. The students spent the day visiting multiple companies before and after enjoying a lunch and a college fair at the Forsyth Conference Center.

The face of modern-day manufacturing is an important element in local workforce development, and the Chamber is proud to partner with local companies investing in the future of our region.

Interested in last year’s National Manufacturing Day? Click here.

October 2, 2019 Communications Coordinator
