May 20, 2020

Forsyth County Unveils Interactive Online Services For Permit & License Applications

Forsyth County has launched a new process for customers to submit applications online for building permits, business and alcohol licenses, inspections and land development plans. The EnerGov Customer Self Service software will replace Govern, eStatus and ePlan Solutions software on the County’s website,

“EnerGov provides the opportunity to increase automation and improve communication with our customers,” said Forsyth County Manager Eric Johnson. “Notably for our development community, EnerGov eliminates the electronic submittal fees for those submittals that previously required one, such as commercial building plans, land disturbance permits and plats.”

After making a submission online, applicants will be able to view the status of their application or permit online and track its progression and completed actions. Applicants will also be able to view next steps such as revisions or when meetings/hearings on the application will take place.

In addition to submitting applications, the software will allow residents to search for and find information about land development, building permits and business and alcohol licenses in the County.

EnerGov will enable county staff to send automated emails to businesses owners regarding their license renewals and will allow the owner to renew online. Staff in the office and in the field will have access to the new software allowing a more streamlined process to move applications and permits forward through the approval process quicker.

May 20, 2020 Laura Stewart
